Monday, April 28, 2008


Is the Cup Half Full or Half Empty?

How do The Dunwich Horror typically embrace the world? Are you constantly waiting for the storm to arrive, or do you look forward to Janiceatxmas day of uncertainty? Do you typically see the good and positives in most Lcdtvwejjxzfdpbv or are you constantly looking over your shoulder? Our outlook on life can paint a canvas full of color and life or Thunderbird a pallete dreary and bland. Your attitude makes a dramatic difference on your response and experience to situations. We are all dealt periods in our life that can alter our foundation, our safety. We have the power to choose Videogamesgdevla to respond to these circumstances. Sometimes it is easier to have a "pity party" for ourselves, which is completely ok and therapeutic. But then it is important to brush ourselves off, raise our heads and move on. Wouldn't it feel better to walk into an unknown situation prepared, thinking positively, than preparing for the worst with your head down? Talking yourself into something feels better, raises your confidence and typically creates an atmosphere that supports your end result. Even if the end result is unknown to you at the time, you have the power to think positively and expect the best. Your attitude and energy makes its mark on the world around you, create a surrounding that feels good and supports your best interests.


1. Track your thoughts

Just as you would "log" your financial spending to see where your money goes, track how many negative thoughts pop into your mind every day. Many of us are unaware how often negative thoughts cloud our choices and decisions. Make a commitment this week to "track" the negative voice for one or two days. Keep a journal or notepad with you and track how many times the negative voice pops into your head.

2. Change your language

Now that you have tracked your negative thoughts, you need to replace them with positive words. What are you most critical of in your life? Do you put yourself down regarding your appearance? Do you criticize your work? Replace these thoughts with sentences that support you.

3. Start your day off on a positive note

The way you begin your day, your outlook, affects the rest of your day and interractions. No matter what the day has in store for you, take control by uplifting yourself and your spirits right from the beginning. Say a positive affirmation, focus on your strengths, shine the light on yourself; do whatever it takes to begin your day on a positive note.

Have a great week! "Closing the gap between where you are in your life now vs where you want to be in your life"

Leslie Gail, Certified Life Coach and owner of New Life Focus Coaching helps clients in transition. Leslie conducts seminars, contributes articles to The Rocky Mountain News Newspaper and hosts a TV segment on channel tv8. You can reach Leslie directly for a FREE consult at 1-866-779-0731

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